Different ways to win the „battle“ against Covid-19 or:

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The world wide greatest bluff


– respiratory transmission is dominant, with proximity and ventilation being key determinants of transmission risk (Annals of Internal Medicine, 17/09/2020)

Kills the nature:

 -“the bees will die and then the humans” (Einstein)


-The transmission occurs in closed spaces (Robert Koch Institut, 03/08/2020)

Kills the mind:

– Mass fear of COVID-19, termed as “Coronaphobia”, has generated a plethora of psychiatric manifestations across the different strata of the society. (Elsevier Public Health Emergency Collection, 27/05/2020).


-Recommendations on the use of face masks in the community should carefully take into account evidence gaps, the supply situation, and potential negative side effects (European Centre for Desease Prevention and Control, 8/4/2020)

-The recommendation to wear surgical masks did not reduce the SARS-CoV-2 infection rate (Annals of Internal Medicine, 18/11/2020)


-Recommendations on the use of face masks in the community should carefully take into account evidence gaps, the supply situation, and potential negative side effects (European Centre for Desease Prevention and Control, 8/4/2020)

-Masks oblige people to infect themselves more and more (as if one smoked under the mask), condemning them to an increasingly serious risk to their health and producing severely ill patients.

And so, breath by breath, people reduce their chances of survival. (Vaso di Pandora, 17/08/2020).

Kill humans

– mortality in ventilated patients in drug group higher than in control group. (WHO Solidarity Consortium, 15/10/2020)

– WHO noted a disproportionately high number of reports of liver and kidney problems in patients receiving remdesivir (Science, 28/10/2020).


– The EU (to name some countries) spent about 1.3 billion in England, over 700 million in France and 239 million in Germany for the vaccine for the swine flu, which in the end had caused only 2900 deaths in all Europe compared to the European average for common influenza of 40.000 to 220.000 yearly (EC debate on 7/3/2011).


– A 7-fold elevated risk of onset of narcolepsy after Pandemrix was found, which was confined to the first year after vaccination, with the highest risk within 6 months. (Stowe, Andrews et al., 14/09/2020)

– People with a history of significant allergic reactions should not have the Pfizer/BioNTech Covid jab, regulators say. (BBC 9/12/2020)

– The Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) declares, that persons with allergic reactions (by Immunoglobuline E) should not been vaccinated  (Reuters,20/12/20)

– 48,6 % of the German population presents Immunoglobuline E(Robert Koch Institut, 2016).

You understand, it’s only a question of money, not of health.

Give me one minute to explain, that all is only a big bluff.

(Deutsches Statistisches Bundesamt, 2020)

(Radtke, 9/12/2020) modified

Letality of Coronavirus vs. Flu (Chronology):

  1. 11/03/2020:       10 times higher the flu (Cambride University Press, 12/08/2020)
  2. 13/5/2020:         2 times higher the flu (World Health Organization, 13/09/2020)
  3. 5/10/2020:         comparable to that of the flu (0.14 vs. 0.1) (World Health Organisation)

Just on August 2020 everything was ready.

Only the statistics didn’t fit.

But politics and the media can falsify everything on the world.

For a livable future we need to save the micro and macro-environment and not the interests of the pharmaceutical companies and other dark powers.

Globaly, people, policies and procurement are being corrupted by political and commercial agendas. The medical-political complex tends towards suppression of science to aggrandise and enrich those in power.

When good science is suppressed, people die (British Medical Journal, 13/11/2020).


